Our Values


“Work, together.”

We achieve so much more together than going it alone. When our common ground meets our differences, we find insight, strength, inspiration, and progress. We are on each other's sides and in each other's corners.


“For all.”

Differences should be honored. We consider and support the unique points of view, strengths, and challenges from our identities and experiences, including but not limited to age, education, ethnicity, family, finances, gender, geography, health, sexual orientation, size, and religion.


“No crying at work…about work.”

What’s acceptable: feeling feelings and giving them the space and acknowledgment they deserve. What’s not acceptable: jobs that create unmanageable levels of stress, anxiety, or shame. We all deserve to be satisfied in our 9-5, 5-9, and all the good stuff in between...and can be.


“If you work really hard, and be kind, amazing things will happen.”

We believe in practicing what you preach. By advocating kindness, we are compelled to give each other and ourselves grace every step of the way. Showing up with respect, compassion, and gratitude is key to our personal and professional success.


“We ask, ‘Why?’ We ask, ‘How?’”

“Why?” and “How?” are the ABCs of our vocabulary. We know that there’s always more to learn, and we’re ready and willing to do so. In our minds, life is about continuous growth— curiosity is the best shortcut. 


“Come as you are.”

There are no dumb questions or absolute answers; what matters is that questions are asked, and solutions are sought. We choose understanding over judgment, wisdom over arrogance, and calm over stress.